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Tips for wedding in Italy

The best tips to organize a destination wedding in Sicily

Marry in Italy is becoming every day more popular between young couples.

italian landscapes and architectures do not need advertising, the same goes for the sympathy of people in Italy and of course this is one of the best place to get married.

Couples about to get married have a lot of questions to get this goal and the best is to find a local wedding planner that helps to make sure that everything goes well!

Here in my blog (Nucleika destination wedding photographers) i wanna suggest you some tips you will help you.

1- Choose the right wedding date

It could seems obvious but it is not, planning the right date is crucial because usually the wheather is totally different from your place.

Usually the best way to get married in Italy, especially in Sicily is from March to October, that's because you can get the longest daylight and the rain is a memory, all of you want a wonderful italian sunny day for his wedding.

There are a lot of Venue where dining outside to enjoying italian style gardens.

I don't know if you know, but you have to book your venue at least 10 months earlier because the best wedding venue are booking months before.

Important: August is the vacation month of italians and if you choose this month you have to know tha a lot of businesses are closed.

If you want August for your wedding try to find a Venue on a countryside to have a bit of fresh air, because this month is the hottest in Italy and more in Sicily.

2 – Book the church, the town or the celebrant

Every marriage have to be in a church or by celebrant (symbolic ceremony) and they are booked soon.

After you have found your location for the reception, do not bother trying to find the church or the town where you get married, you also choose a church or town close to location otherwise movements will be very difficult.

3 – Find the right ceremony for you

Destination wedding means different country from yours, the couple have to consider wich kind of wedding they want.

You can decide for a legally binding ceremony in sicily or a symbolic ceremony in Sicily

In Italy you have only two ways to get married legally, you have to choose civil ceremony in the town hall or in a catholic church

4 – Reserving a wedding venue

There are countless options for venues, some of them offer full wedding package, others not and you have to plan every vendor.

In Sicily you can find tons of seaside, countryside and mountains venue, it's up to you.

5 – Find a wedding planner

If you choose Italy and especially Sicily the best advice i could give you is to choose a good wedding planner.

Wedding planner knows all the best local vendors, the worst thing you coul do is to think to be able to organize a wedding from far away you would encounter too many problems.

A good wedding planner will give you the best advice on techical, legal and creative aspects of your wedding.

I hope my suggestion will help you to plan the best destination wedding you ever dreamed.

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